US Rep. Stephen Lynch As a legislative committee at the State House weighs a revamping of the state’s political boundaries due to the pending loss of a Congressional seat, U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch this week called for his Ninth Congressional District to... Read more
The long process of mapping out a “missing link” on the Neponset Greenway between Mattapan Square and Lower Mills has been frustrating at times. There are still some serious hurdles to clear before actual work can begin on the riverside trail that is... Read more
In the age of electronics and the internet, the City of Boston Elections Department keeps it low key. Yesterday morning at City Hall, fourteen names were tossed into a gold metal tumbler and then pulled out, one by one, to determine the ballot order in... Read more
Neponset Greenway: The Mattapan trolley stop at Central Ave, left. A proposed Greenway path would follow a route closer to the river, at right. Photo by Ed Forry
As officials with the MBTA and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) seek a... Read more
U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano’s Congressional district would be eliminated and the lines of State Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz’s district would be moved out of Dorchester and Roxbury and into Brookline, under redistricting maps a group of minority activists will... Read more
Boston Police Superintendent-in-Chief Daniel Linskey: Testified during Wednesday's City Council hearing. Photo by Callum BorchersThe Menino Administration explained Wednesday the discretion implied in a proposed city ordinance that would bill negligent... Read more
City Councillor Charles Yancey is nothing if not relentlessly on message. Less than 15 minutes into a 40-minute interview he mentions one of his pet issues: a new high school for Mattapan. “I do have a lot of legislation that’s pending, and with regards... Read more
Closing a $1.9 billion budget gap and increasing funding for a popular anti-youth violence program, state lawmakers sent a $30.6 billion fiscal year 2012 budget to Gov. Deval Patrick’s desk last week. Dorchester’s state Senate and House delegations voted... Read more
The City of Boston’s new strategy of targeting so-called “problem properties” in our neighborhoods is finally taking real shape this week. A task force organized by Mayor Menino’s office will identify and pressure absentee landlords whose out-of-control... Read more
City Councillor At-Large John Connolly hauled in over $40,000 in the month of June, outpacing his colleagues and rivals, a review of campaign finance records shows.
The total came to $40,560, according to filings with the Office of Campaign and Political... Read more