
Two big issues facing Boston's business community - the 2024 Olympics bid and the stalled expansion of New England's largest building - were virtual no-shows at a dinner Wednesday night where the city's titans of industry gathered and heard from principal... Read more
A group of elected officials and Port Norfolk residents, including the city’s Chris Cook and Austin Blackmon, City Councillor Frank Baker, State Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry, DCR Commissioner Jack Murray, Jim Lyons, Mary McCarthy, and State Rep. Dan Hunt... Read more
The planned $1 billion expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center has been frozen indefinitely by Gov. Charlie Baker, whose administration on Wednesday expressed deep misgivings about the center's ability to pay off the anticipated debt... Read more
By James G. Keefe Frankly, I’m not surprised at the level of skepticism that has greeted the possibility of the Summer Olympics coming to Boston. That Yankee caution and resistance to all things new has permeated our culture for centuries. And while as a... Read more
Sitting inside the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Gov. Charlie Baker ruled out following in the footsteps of the building's namesake. "No, I'm never running for president," Baker said, as he sat across from Boston Globe editor Brian... Read more
Marking 50 years since the civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the Massachusetts Legislature, the House and Senate will convene the first joint session of the year on April 27. The joint session will occur at 1 p.m. on the same day the... Read more
Individuals under 21 years of age would be prevented from possessing, purchasing or selling recreational marijuana under a draft initiative petition released Friday by the group behind a 2016 ballot effort. The backers, under the banner of Bay State... Read more
State transportation officials are paring back late-night MBTA service, saying the current pilot program is unsustainable. The state board that oversees the MBTA on Wednesday agreed to a staff recommendation that the program continue, but run until 2 a.m... Read more


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