
A Reporter story published last month after a multi-week probe into the operation of so-called sober homes in the city raises important policy questions that demand answers from the industry and from our city and state governments. The report— done in... Read more
State Rep. Marty WalshStarting in January, state Rep. Marty Walsh will be taking on a new job as high-profile official at a regional union umbrella group. He was elected to the post – secretary-treasurer and general agent of the Boston Building Trades... Read more
Former state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, a Roxbury Democrat who pleaded guilty earlier this year to federal extortion charges, is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 22. The sentencing session, set for three days before Christmas, is expected to start at 9 a.m.... Read more
City Council President Michael Ross on Monday filed a motion recommending that Councillor Chuck Turner be removed from the 13-member body, effective Dec. 3, as Turner vowed to fight to keep his office. Turner was convicted last month of accepting a $1,000... Read more
The release of an independent report ordered up by the Supreme Judicial Court alleging corruption and widespread mismanagement within the state Probation Department has evoked cautious expressions of concern among local lawmakers and incoming state... Read more
A correction has been attached to this article. The Melville Park Neighborhood Association is petitioning the city’s elections department to change their present polling location at Oliver Wendell Holmes School, citing little available parking and low... Read more
To her supporters and defense attorneys, former state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson was a voice for some of the state's neediest and most powerless people, as well as a "flawed being, who made terrible mistakes." According to federal prosecutors, the Roxbury... Read more
Former House Speaker Thomas Finneran refused to testify in an independent investigation into alleged corruption within the state Probation Department, according to an independent report released Thursday. The report, ordered by the state's highest court,... Read more
More than 60 Boston officials, victims advocates and family members touched by street crime met at Boston City Hall to discuss resources available for families struggling in the wake of violent crime. City councillor Charles Yancey and Councillor At-... Read more
Mattapan Square has finally been designated for a branch of Boston’s Main Streets program, which has helped revitalize several other neighborhood business districts over the last 15 years. As the twentieth  Main Streets district, Mattapan Square’s... Read more


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