Changing Boston’s School Committee back from appointed to elected is a dangerous idea. Proponents forget how the old elected school committee usually overspent its budget, handled racial minorities poorly, and used the committee as s political stepping... Read more
The mayor’s race has rekindled the debate over whether a resort-style casino belongs in the city of Boston. Like candidate Bill Walczak, we are inherently suspect of such a proposition in the first place because the idea of siting such a venture in the... Read more
Parking lot re-design: An architect’s drawing shows proposed changes to the parking lot owned by Supreme Realty Company in Adams Corner. At top left, the north-west corner of the present-day lot would be closed to Minot Street under this plan. Image... Read more
With so many candidates running to become Boston's next mayor, it can be hard for an average voter to keep track of everyone's stance on the big issues of the race. To that end, Dotnews.com is talking to each of the candidates about four of the... Read more
John Barros's mayoral campaign on Wednesday launched a biographical web video that it said it plans to promote on newspaper and ethnic media websites. The campaign is also purchasing ad space on Twitter and Facebook, it said.
Barros is the former... Read more
Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley, a candidate for mayor, on Sunday raised questions about the legality of an East Boston-only vote on a Suffolk Downs casino. Conley added that the 13-member City Council should “come to their senses” and move to... Read more
The city's Inspectional Services Department said today that it has extended the deadline for property owners to register their rental units with the city. The deadline, originally set for today, is now Aug. 31, 2013. A new city ordinance requires the... Read more
Charlotte Golar Richie: Former state rep and city Housing chief highlighted her experience as a mom, lawmaker and Menino cabinet member in a Wednesday night speech. Above, Richie is shown at an event at the Roxbury YMCA last Saturday. Photo by Bill... Read more
Maxwell site from the air: Proximity to Fairmount commuter rail station makes it a prime target for re-development. BRA image
A pivotal Uphams Corner property became embroiled in a fast-moving controversy last week after neighbors learned that the city of... Read more
This week’s lead story about an apparently aborted City Hall proposal to build a Public Works yard on a key parcel next to the Uphams Corner commuter rail stop sparked a whole lot of outrage from readers and residents when the Reporter broke the news... Read more