
Full-scale representations of the U.S. Senate chamber and the late Sen. Edward Kennedy's Capitol Hill office will open to the public on March 31, 2015, the Edward Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate announced Wednesday. A gala celebration is set for... Read more
A historic but endangered Mattapan landmark could soon have a new owner that would ensure that it remains viable for decades to come. Historic Boston Inc. has entered into an agreement to purchase the Fowler-Clark farmhouse on Norfolk Street. The... Read more
Construction on the second of three phases of the Neponset River Greenway will soon get under way as the project to connect Readville’s Martini Shell to South Boston’s Castle Island continues on schedule and on budget, according to Jack Murray, the... Read more
City Housing Report 2014-2030: A graphic from the city report characterizes "access to the Homeownership Market" by neighborhood. Image courtesy City of BostonThe Walsh administration released its first housing plan this week. The 140-page document is... Read more
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, OCT. 7, 2014....As University of Massachusetts officials marched from the State House to Boston Common to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Boston campus, more than 100 university employees held their own procession, protesting... Read more
Walsh launches mayoral campaign at Strand Theatre, May 2013 The Strand Theatre gets another big turn in the state spotlight this Friday as the nation's first lady, Michele Obama, comes to Columbia Road for a campaign rally to support the Democratic... Read more
Reacting to a widely scorned Boston Herald editorial cartoon that the newspaper has said was not intentionally racist, Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday called it "stupid" and said he hoped for greater sensitivity. "I don't need to pile on. I found the... Read more
First Lady Michelle Obama's arrival on Friday to stump and raise money for gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley comes in the nick of time for the Medford Democrat, with the latest campaign finance numbers showing the Democratic ticket trailing... Read more
Menino MemoirThomas Menino's "Mayor for a New America" hits stores and tablets on October 14. It will no doubt find a well-deserved place in the libraries of Bostonians who have a keen interest in city history and politics. But it will find that shelf-... Read more
Sharing a debate stage for the first time, the five candidates for governor who will appear on the Nov. 4 ballot talked education, transportation and energy during a one-hour exchange of ideas that featured one flare-up. Republican Charlie Baker, Democrat... Read more


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