
Former City Councillor At-Large Stephen Murphy is taking his re-election loss last November in stride and pursuing the suddenly hotly contested post for Suffolk Register of Deeds. In a conversation with the Reporter this week, Murphy said he saw the... Read more
Two home rule petitions – extending the term of office for Boston city councillors and limiting candidates to running for a single office at a time – were voted through at the council meeting on Wednesday. District 3 Councillor Frank Baker has proposed... Read more
A increase in the cap on charter school enrollment in Massachusetts would be tied to major new investments in all public schools starting two years from now under a proposal released Thursday by Senate leaders that could serve to heat the debate over... Read more
The historically sleepy race for the plum Suffolk County Register of Deeds post has become the place to be for seasoned candidates and newcomers alike, with some Dorchester notables throwing their clipboards into the fray. The register, who serves a six-... Read more
The distribution of unsolicited loan instruments in Massachusetts would be banned under a bill passed unanimously by the Senate. Taking the appearance of a check, documents appear in the mail that, if cashed, can trigger a loan with high interest rates... Read more
Two major transit projects in Dorchester and Mattapan were included in the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s capital investment plan presentation before the joint board meeting on March 16: the completion of the Fairmount Corridor by the... Read more
The annual St. Patrick's Day Breakfast at the convention center last Sunday delivered laughs, groans, and an enduring image of Mayor Martin Walsh wearing a dense, pseudo-fur coat that seems destined to grace screensavers across the city. State Sen. Linda... Read more
As our communities face a dramatic uptick in opiate-related deaths and overdoses, state and city policymakers are working together to find ways to increase the quality and availability of treatment facilities for those in need, as well as address regular... Read more
The sign rises above a high, neatly trimmed hedge on the corner of Adams and King streets. It slumps forward, its blue material dragging one supporting wooden post toward the hedge. The candidate’s website information is indecipherable, partly obscured by... Read more
When it comes to donations by greater Bostonians to Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Clinton is winning the money contest by a large margin while Sanders is leading in number of donors, according to a neighborhood... Read more


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