
It's enough to make any conflict-hungry reporter squeak with glee. As both the Reporter and the Globe noted today, the debate over whether to close four libraries, including the Lower Mills branch, should get even more interesting next week. That's when... Read more
House lawmakers are pushing to save four libraries slated for closure in the city's fiscal 2011 budget. In a bid to keep the libraries open, twelve House lawmakers who represent Boston filed amendments Friday to the House's version of the state budget... Read more
In these hard times, it’s up to us, Dorchester’s residents and to our city councillors to save the Lower Mills Library and services at all our branches. We need to count on our two Dorchester Councillors, Maureen Feeney and Charles Yancey, and our four at... Read more
Closing branch libraries should be the city’s “last option” and should follow an extensive review of Boston Public Library finances and “lengthy” public debate, nine city councillors wrote in a letter to Boston Public Library President Amy Ryan. “The... Read more
At long last, relief is here; let us be glad $88,200. How many of you earn that amount in a year? Not I, says the teacher. Nor I, says the letter carrier. Nor I, says the clerk at the corner store. Certainly not I, says the senior citizen living on Social... Read more
For those who missed it at the St. Patrick's Day breakfast in Southie, here's the poem Gov. Deval Patrick delivered, followed by the song by Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray. (Updated to add, via the State House News Service, some verse from Sen. Richard Tisei,... Read more
Rep. Brian Wallace (D-South Boston), whose district includes parts of Dorchester, will not seek re-election this year, sources told the Reporter's Gintautas Dumcius today. See the Reporter's Lit Drop blog for more on this developing story. Wallace joins... Read more
State Rep. Brian Wallace (D-South Boston) is not running for another term, sources tell the Lit Drop. Wallace, whose district includes a piece of Uphams Corner and Harbor Point, has served in the House since 2003. The seat is the third in the Dorchester... Read more
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, FEB. 26, 2010…..All guesstimates below ecstatic about the level of excitement among savvy lawmakers at a high state court ruling earlier this month, suggesting they alter the anti-obscenity laws to protect youngsters more thoroughly,... Read more
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, FEB. 26, 2010……Despite an unfavorable rating of 50 percent, Gov. Deval Patrick maintains his edge over a crowded gubernatorial field and holds a commanding lead over his new primary opponent, according to new poll results, which also... Read more


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