June 30, 2010
The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has extended by more than a month the public comment period for the Neponset River Trail extension. Comments will now be accepted, by email or phone, through August 14. DCR also has scheduled two site walks — on July 22 and July 26— to explore the different alternatives for the trail’s extension into Mattapan and/or Milton.
The existing 2.5-mile Neponset River Trail now runs between Pope John Paul II Park in Dorchester and Central Avenue in Milton. The planned extension to Blue Hill Avenue will open about 7 miles of trail along the Neponset River, connecting Pope John Paul II Park to the Neponset Valley Parkway in Hyde Park.
Public comments on the extension can be sent to DCR by email at DCR.Updates@state.ma.us or by phone at 617-626-4974. The Thursday, July 22 tour will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Foley Senior Residences, 249 River Street, Mattapan, at the parking lot to the right of the entrance drive. The tour on Monday
July 26 starts at 6:30 p.m. at Riverway Plaza, 90 River St., Mattapan, at the parking lot off Central
Avenue, next to the entrance of Rite Aid Pharmacy.