February 18, 2010
Last Sunday, at St. Gregory’s church, the pastor, Father Vin Dailey, spoke in his homily about the start of the season of Lent, which began yesterday with the observance of Ash Wednesday.
The young priest has been an inspiration to many in his parish as he speaks from the altar in a straightforward manner. He once said that a fellow priest had given this advice to him: When people come to church, they bring with them their personal problems. Don’t add to them.
With that wise counsel, Father Vin said that when he was preparing last Sunday’s sermon, he found the 15 suggestions below, and he offered them as a reflection as we look for habits to “give up” for Lent. He said these are his “crib notes” for last Sunday:
Give up complaining – focus on gratitude.
Give up pessimism – become an optimist.
Give up harsh judgments – think kindly thoughts.
Give up worry – trust Divine Providence.
Give up discouragement – be full of hope.
Give up bitterness – turn to forgiveness.
Give up hatred – return good for evil.
Give up negativism – be positive.
Give up anger – be more patient.
Give up pettiness – become mature.
Give up gloom – enjoy the beauty that is all around you.
Give up jealousy – pray for trust.
Give up gossiping – control your tongue.
Give up sin – turn to virtue.
Give up giving up – hang in there!
It’s time to think Dorchester Day
The call is out for candidates to serve as this year’s honorary “Mayor of Dorchester,” in support of this year’s Dorchester Day Parade, which will be held on June 6, 2010. The competition was opened this week, and the winner is decided by whoever raises the most to help pay for the parade.
Residents who plan to offer themselves as candidates for the title of Dot Mayor for the year are asked to attend next week’s parade committee meeting.
Meanwhile, the residents who make up the Dorchester Day Parade Committee have set their meetings on four Monday nights from next week until May at the Comfort Inn Hotel, 900 Morrissey Blvd.
Meetings are scheduled at 7 p.m on Feb. 22, March 15, April 12, and May 17. The sessions are open to all, and residents are encouraged to attend and pitch in on the planning. The board officers for this year’s parade are: President Marty Hogan; Vice President Gloria Vieira; Parade Adjunct Peter Sasso; Secretary Mary DeMarino; Treasurer Joe Chaisson; and Webmaster Ed Geary, Jr. George Hacunda and John Scannell are the parade historians.
The public events will kick off on March 25 with the annual meatloaf dinner at First Parish Church, featuring the winners of the Dorchester Day Essay Contest. A fund-raising dinner will be held at Florian Hall on April 22, with tickets priced at $100, a limit of 300 tickets, and a prize drawing of $10,000 for lucky ticket holders. More details and entry forms for the 2010 essay contest are available online at dotdayparade.com. The Dot Day Parade Committee’s phone is 857-756-3675.
– Ed Forry