Polish American Club celebrates history, looks to building safely for what’s ahead

Among those who attended the Polish American Citizens Club (PACC) installation of officers on Jan. 16 were, from left:  Shayne Perkins of Rep. David Biele’s office, club directors Steve Poftak, Joanna Curry, and Eric Basile, City Councillor Ed Flynn, PACC President Stasia Kacprzak, City Councillor Erin Murphy, PACC Secretary Erica Manczuk, director Keith Stocks, and City Councillor John FitzGerald.
Cassidy McNeeley photo

For the Polish American Citizens Club of Boston, the installation of its slate of elected officers and directors during a ceremony at their Dorchester facility earlier this month gave its members an opportunity to savor both its 91-year-old history and its prospects for the immediate future.

“The roots of this organization run deep in the community of the Polish Triangle interlining with the stories of countless individuals and immigrants who not only helped found this organization so many years ago, but this new generation of Polish Americans and their friends looking to connect and celebrate the heritage and culture,” said Erica Manczuk Stocks, who has been elected as the club’s secretary.

As to what’s ahead for the club, there’s the excitement surrounding the imminent installation of a new billboard facing the Southeast Expressway.

“We pushed it hard and didn’t want to let it go because we knew what it could do for us,” said Manczuk Stocks. “Part of it is installed, the base and part of the framing. We’re waiting on the screen pieces; I think they’re supposed to be here this month or next month.”
The funds earned from the billboard will first be put toward capital improvements.

“Things like heating, electrical, plumbing. Those things that make sure the building is operational and safe,” she said. “We have ideas about what we want to do but it really comes down to what’s our most immediate need.” 

Added the newly elected club president, Stasia Kacprzak: “The club needs a lot of TLC; it’s going to be a lot of hard work.”

Along with Kacprzak and Manczuk Stocks, the new officers include Vice President Eric Basile and Treasurer Peter Dziedzic. Joanna Curry, Jay Judas, Dawn Morris, Steve Poftak, and Keith Stocks serve on the board of directors. 

City Councillors Erin Murphy, John FitzGerald, and Ed Flynn were on hand for the installation ceremony.

“As we gather tonight (Jan. 16), Manczuk Stocks said, “it is important for us to acknowledge that not only is this a celebration of our organization’s leadership but also an opportunity to reflect on the rich history that has shaped this club for over 90 years.”

The organization dates to 1924 when a group of WWI veterans with roots in Poland purchased an old shoe factory in South Boston. Fifteen years later, the club moved to Dorchester at 82 Boston St., where it continues to act as a gathering place.

Director Curry is one of many who turned to the club after moving to the US.

“I’m originally from Poland. I moved here almost 20 years ago,” she said. “I didn’t really know any Polish people in the area. After I had my kids, I really wanted them to have the Polish heritage, so I signed them up for the Polish School and got involved with the Polish Club.”

She added: “I don’t have any family here, so I was looking for that community and I wanted my kids to have that, too.”

Other members grew up in the club. “I had my christening here, I had my first communion here, I had the brunch after my wedding here, birthday parties here,” said Manczuk Stocks, whose grandparents arrived in Boston from Poland. “My husband jokes it’s a part of my blood.”
Whether new or old to the club, all the members want the same thing: to keep the club’s doors open for years to come.

“I want to make sure this place exists and doesn’t go the way so many other clubs have,” Manczuk Stocks, told The Reporter. “I want to encourage the next generation of individuals to come in and have buy-in and pride in their neighborhood.

As the leadership continues to work toward reinvigorating the club, the community remains thankful for the fixture it has been.

“Thank you to the Polish American community for the incredible contributions you’ve made to this city and country,” said Councillor Flynn. “Whether it’s in the military, business, or academics, science, the Polish community has always been here. We’re honored to represent you and call us your friend.”

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