October 31, 2024

There is reason for excitement for customers of the Fields Corner library, as a brand-new branch should be in place in about two years. But last Saturday (Oct. 19), community members gathered to say ‘goodbye’ to the 1969 building on the corner of Dorchester Avenue and Park Street in what was dubbed a ‘Grand Closing’ event.
With food and drinks on offer, residents were encouraged to write memories and ‘thank yous’ in chalk on the walls as the existing branch at the corner of Park Street and Dot Ave is set up for demolition during the first week of next month. The official closing date is this Friday (Oct. 26) with the subsequent two weeks will be dedicated to emptying out the building and getting the book collection packed and stored away.
Main Streets Director Jackey West Devine and Librarian Kim McCleary.
Andrew and Chelsea Harmon said they were excited at anticipating a two-story library building with separate areas for adults, children, and teens – and a community room as well.
Friends member Diane Washington offers a toast to the old branch.
After writing ‘Turn the Page,’ Friends of the Fields Corner Library members Tom Taranto, Diane McCormack, and Paula Gehr share memories of the old building.