March 15, 2024

The state Department of Revenue formally moved Thursday to seize Simco's, 1509 Blue Hill Ave. in Mattapan, for non-payment of $736,000 in taxes and interest.
In a request filed in Suffolk Superior Court, the state says Simco's has tax debts dating back to 2019 in unpaid meals, withholding and family-leave taxes, and that repeated efforts to get owner Nicholas Fotopoulos of Milton since August to even agree to a repayment schedule have so far resulted in only $20,000 being paid from banks with which he has accounts.
Simco's closed its Roslindale outlet a couple of months ago.
In 2022, it agreed to pay $195,680.72 to 20 employees it had been paying less than even the federal minimum wage of $7.25 in 2019 and 2020.
In a case separate from the state's, in 2019, the city of Boston put an $18,000 lien on the Blue Hill Avenue property for non-payment of property taxes and moved to take the property, according to Registry of Deeds records. The case remains in state Land Court, with a hearing scheduled for May 23, according to the Land Court docket.