January 18, 2024
As another new year comes and the old one goes, I have been reflecting on what gives me hope and joy. Thirty-five years ago, Father William Francis and Sister Rita Brereton, SSND, of what was then St. Paul’s Parish in Dorchester, made a commitment to the young people of the community to develop a youth ministry program and I was fortunate to have been hired as a fulltime youth minister.
A year and more later, a volunteer from the Jesuit Volunteer Corp and a Pallotti Center volunteer joined me in ministering to what became the Inner City Catholic Youth Group of St. Paul, St. John-St. Hugh, St. Patrick, St. Kevin, and St. Joseph parishes.
The archdiocesan newspaper the Pilot featured many articles about the wonderful teens of this youth program engaging in community service events such as serving lunch to the Simon of Cyrene adults, visiting nursing homes, and coming together for urban retreats.
Last summer, on July 16, members of that youth group gathered at my home for a meal. We shared stories and re-read the articles that I had saved in a scrapbook from the Pilot’s Spotlight On Youth section dating back to the late 1980s. There are no words to describe this incredible afternoon. It was by the grace of God that such a reunion could happen. I am still in awe thinking about all that these young people have accomplished in their lives. It was truly a humbling experience.
As we gathered around the table to give thanks for our meal, we prayed for Father Francis and Sister Rita, who dedicated so many years to the community in Dorchester. They both loved, believed in, and valued the young people of their parish. They were truly present with us. Additionally, we thanked God for the opportunity to be reunited after all these years.
One of the members, Tiffany Warren, wrote, “Today we showed up to honor the divine appointment created in our lives when we met as 14-year-old members of the St. Paul’s Youth Group in Dorchester, MA. [Now], 35 years later we returned as senators, lawyers, law enforcers, music executives, nurses, and administrators, finishing each other’s sentences and surfacing the kind of laughter made sweeter by the memories shared. The youth group that ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ Bill and Carol helped facilitate [is] the kind of connection that isn’t created much anymore. I am so blessed to call these beautiful humans my day ones as they truly gifted me with a gold standard for friendship that guides me today.”
We promised one another that we would make this an annual event and make an effort to connect with more young people who were part of our Inner City Catholic Youth Group. It was clearly the work of the Holy Spirit in 2023 making this a remarkable reunion.
Carol Brennan