One-day lacrosse clinic planned at White Stadium

State Rep. Chris Worrell of Dorchester and State Rep. Simon Cataldo of Concord

Conventional wisdom might suggest that Concord and Dorchester don’t have much in common, but state Rep. Chris Worrell of Dorchester and his colleague, state Rep. Simon Cataldo of Concord have found lacrosse to be a common denominator between the two communities.

The lawmakers are planning a one-day workshop at Franklin Park’s White Stadium– staffed by local Harlem Lacrosse instructors – on Thurs., Aug. 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for kids aged 7-10.

Cataldo is the founder of the popular Harlem Lacrosse program, which operates at the Mildred Avenue School in Mattapan and the Joseph Lee School in Dorchester.

“We were talking and came up with the idea of having a one-day workshop to introduce kids to lacrosse who have never played,” said Worrell. “And White Stadium is the hub of BPS sports and there’s no better place.”

Added Cataldo: “We’ve found the relationships with lacrosse in Boston and with BPS especially are as strong as anywhere in the five cities where we’ve operated Harlem Lacrosse.”

Rep. Worrell said parents and kids interested only need to show up that day with t-shirts, shorts, and sneakers; all other equipment will be provided.

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