June 26, 2023
A Suffolk Superior Court jury on Monday convicted Roberto Martinez-Baez of first-degree murder for killing Andrew Farley, 62, at the Uphams Corner House of Pizza, where he had gone to pick up a sub on Feb. 7, 2020, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.
Martinez-Baez will be formally sentenced on Tuesday, although the verdict means an automatic sentence of life without the possibility of parole. He was also convicted of illegal possession of a firearm and possession of a large-capacity firearm, the DA's office says.
According to the DA's office, Farley went to the pizza place at 566 Columbia Rd. around 6:30 p.m. on what would be his last night. A man inside needed a light, was rebuffed by a group walking by outside, but Farley offered him his lighter and they began to chat.
Somebody in the group began firing at the guy needing a light, missed him, and hit Farley instead. As Farley collapsed, dying, the guy ran out and got chased up the street by the group, the DA's office reports. "Near the pizzeria, behind an apartment complex there was a dumpster where the defendant's phone, sweater (matching the description of the shooter) and gun was found."
Police arrested Martinez-Baez on the murder charge at his home on Abbott Street in Dorchester a year later - in what was actually his third arrest since the murder.
On July 13, 2020, police arrested him on Marlborough Street in the Back Bay, initially for masturbating in public, but then for assault and battery on a police officer after he began "kicking, spitting, and licking the officers." He was also charged with possession of Class B and Class D drugs with intent to distribute for the "four plastic bags containing a substance believed to be cocaine, one plastic bag containing a substance believed to be crack cocaine, one hundred and ten Percocet pills, two plastic bags containing marijuana, and over $4,000.00 in cash" police say they found on him.
The next day, police say, Martinez-Baez walked into the District B-2 station on Washington Street in Nubian Square after he walked into a restricted area, refused to leave, took a swing at an officer and then went down with a fight, after which officers charged him with assault and battery on a police officer, trespassing, resisting arrest and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, for the two plastic bags of marijuana and a scale police say he had on him.