December 28, 2017

The Great Hall in Codman Square will once again be the venue for this year’s Dorchester Winters Farmer Market.
The Dorchester Winters Farmer Market has become a seasonal staple for neighbors to find affordable fresh foods in the neighborhood— and to gather with friends and neighbors. Sponsored by Codman Square Neighborhood Council and Codman Square Health Center, this year’s market will run every Saturday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at The Great Hall in Codman Square, 6 Norfolk St., Dorchester starting on January 27 and concluding on March 31.
The vendors involved in this year’s market include Oakdale Farms, Farmer Dave’s, Moonlight Farms, Stonycreek Farms, Mycoterra, and City Compost. The remaining vendors are still being finalized and will be announced in the coming weeks on the market’s Facebook page and Twitter account, @dorchesterwfm.
The market launched in 2008 as the Codman Square Farmers Market and re-invented itself as the Dorchester Winter Farmers Market in 2012. There is no admission price and all are welcome.
The market’s menu will include vegetables and mushrooms that are eligible for HIP, eggs, meats, and bread that will have a SNAP match— meaning if an individual or family with food stamps wants to buy a carton of eggs for $5, the market will “match” so that they only have to spend $2.50 for the carton of local, farm fresh eggs.
Huey-harn Chen, the Winter Farmers Market manager, said the SNAP match is a new feature the this year. It essentially gives families and individuals affordable “half-price” access to healthy foods. Additionally, if those use all their HIP for the month, they can still come to the market and be matched $1 for $1 to use on fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.
The limit is still being discussed for how much an individual or family can be matched each week, but all the information will be updated on the market’s social media accounts.
The farmers market always has “theme” weeks, and although those themes are still being finalized and full details aren’t available just yet, each week will certainly involve improving the quality of life, according to Chen.
“This Winter Farmers Market is particularly important to the community because we are helping to facilitate a space that helps people have access to fresh, local, healthy food,” said Chen. “All our products at the market are coming from people who care about where their food comes from and how they treat it. Having this farmers market can help the community have access to food all year round! Not only is it food oriented, but it’s really community oriented as well.”
The market is raising funds for an individual or family to take home fresh, local food, and also for the SNAP match program. To donate, visit or e-mail Huey at