April 10, 2014
Wicked: Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy theatre company. Photo by Adrienne Kaszanek
Dorchester is home to some seriously talented kids and teens – and not just in our classrooms and on our sports fields. We have amazing singers, actors, dancers, and performers here, too. And if you’re of a mind, this weekend would be a great time to show them some much-needed support.
There are several performances on tap over the new few days that are open to the public.
The Fiddlehead Theatre Company will stage its production of School House Rock this Saturday (April 12) at 7 p.m. at the Strand Theatre. The show is produced in conjunction with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dorchester, which has launched its own theater program. Tickets are free and can be downloaded at fiddleheadtheatre.org. You can also read up on members of the cast, all kids from our neighborhood.
On Friday and Saturday, Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy’s theatre company will stage two performances featuring selections from the musical Wicked. Tickets are just $5 for adults and $2 for students. Showtimes are Friday at 7 p.m. at St. Gregory’s auditorium, 2214 Dorchester Ave.; and Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the Academy’s Neponset Campus, 239 Neponset Ave.
Also on Saturday, the Boston City Singers will host their second annual Children Sing for Peace concert at St. Mark’s Church. The one-hour concert is dedicated to the memory of Martin Richard and starts at 7 p.m. It’s free, although donations are welcome.
Finally, as Chris Harding reports this week, Boston Ballet has a great deal for Strand Theatre-goers on Friday night. The BB will stage a special performance featuring members of their company, along with kids from local programs like Boys in Motion. Tickets for Friday’s 7 p.m. show are just $5. Check the website bostonballet.org for more details.