August 22, 2013
In July, the Dorchester Reporter prepared its own questionnaire for mayoral candidates and asked each of the 12 candidates on the Sept. ballot to participate. To date, nine of the 12 candidates have submitted the survey, which included biographical questions, details about their political ideology and specific policy questions that have both citywide and neighborhood-specific implications. The Reporter also included a "case study" section that asks candidates how they would deal with a longstanding redevelopment question in Uphams Corner: the Leon Electric Building.
The questions and answers will inform some of the Reporter's coverage of the race in the weeks to come. (Candidate Rob Consalvo's questionnaire has been added as of Thurs., Aug. 22 at 3:30 p.m. Candidate Charles Clemons has not submitted a completed survey to the Reporter— but it will be included if and when they do come in. A twelfth candidate, David James Wyatt, proved unreachable.)
We are also publishing the questionnaires in full here on our website in PDF form: