December 14, 2012
Dorchester resident Kathleen Heffernan, RN, JD, has been appointed Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) at Boston Medical Center (BMC). In this role, she will oversee all areas of the hospital to ensure compliance with all federal rules and regulations that apply to health care. She began the new job on Nov. 12.
Heffernan was most recently CCO, chief risk officer and vice president of regulatory affairs at South Shore Hospital. She has extensive experience in compliance and regulatory programs, risk management and quality assurance.
“Compliance always presents new and different challenges and I look forward to taking on those challenges at BMC,” said Heffernan.
Heffernan is a member of the American Bar Association, the Massachusetts Bar Association and previously served on the board of directors on the Hospice of Cape Cod. A registered nurse and lawyer, Heffernan is a graduate of Suffolk University Law School, Northeastern University and the Whidden Memorial Hospital School of Nursing.