July 26, 2012
Last week, we asked our readers —both in print and online— to send in their nominees for their favorite restaurants in the neighborhood. The response was huge: We had well over 100 submissions come in via Facebook —both on our page and through messages. More people felt comfortable sending us private e-mail recommendations.
There was one common denominator: People in Dot are passionate about their favorite spots. That’s surely no surprise to the men and women who run some of our neighborhood’s best eateries, but it’s a nice reminder to the rest of us that this community is home to plenty of great options for eating out.
Starting today, we will present an online survey featuring the restaurants that have been nominated by our readers. There are 17 categories in the survey, ranging from favorite Asian eatery and Irish pub to favorite date night spot and family-friendly restaurant. Several of the categories were created based on suggestions left by readers at our websites, including a category for favorite “new kid on the block.” Why not!
The big range of the survey is our way of recognizing that there is such a wonderful variety of options here in our hometown. We also leave room for readers to add in their own choice in each category in case they aren’t satisfied with the range we present.
Judging from the comments on Facebook and in our in-boxes here at the Reporter, there will be some fierce competition in the polling— which starts at dotnews.com tomorrow. We encourage our readers to log in (or set up a new free account) and leave comments about why you love your favorites.
We’ll publish the names of the “winners” — along with more coverage of Dot’s vibrant restaurant scene— in a special edition that will come out on Thurs., August 16.
– Bill Forry
A job well done by Jim Hunt III
After seven years in Mayor Menino’s cabinet, Dorchester’s own Jim Hunt III ends his public service with the city this week. His time with the city as Chief of Environment and Energy has been one of tremendous progress in his field. And while his departure from City Hall is indeed a setback for the city, his skill as a manager and a leader have left the Menino administration a fine legacy.
Hunt — under Menino’s tutelage— has led Boston to the national forefront as a Green city, creating a citywide plan for reducing carbon emissions and expanding the recycling program, among many other accomplishments.
“Jim Hunt helped chart the course for making our city a model 21st Century sustainable city,” the mayor said when the Reporter broke the news last week. “He helped build greener buildings and better neighborhoods, attract new companies and create good green jobs, and has simply improved people’s lives. While his leadership will be missed in city government, I know he will continue to do great things for the City of Boston.”
Hunt deserves such high praise. We wish him well in his next chosen endeavor.
– B.F.