
Boston Police arrested a 31-year-old Sydney Street man on Monday morning in connection with a series of violent attacks early on Sunday morning in Savin Hill, including the rape of one woman who was assaulted at gunpoint ... Read more.

A mini-grant program will offer non-profit, volunteer groups funding to plant new trees as part of a citywide effort to improve Boston’s tree canopy cover. The Grow Boston Greener (GBG) initiative will provide $500 - $2, ... Read more.

STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, SEPT. 15, 2011…..Religious leaders and advocates for minority communities called on Gov. Deval Patrick Thursday to reject any redistricting maps that fail to “amplify” the voice of black, Latino and ... Read more.

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, visiting Boston with Denver business leaders, told Gov. Deval Patrick on Thursday that people all over the country talk about him as “a likely presidential candidate.”

At an event ... Read more.

Federal and local officials ... Read more.

A meeting of the Uphams Corner Improvement Association on Tuesday afternoon to discuss the re-development of the former St. Kevin’s Parish property left many residents with more questions than answers.

About 20 ... Read more.

City councillors are weighing heavier restrictions on the sales of knives in businesses, particularly local convenience stores. Noting that knives three inches and longer can be purchased at local stores, Councillors Tito ... Read more.

A Superior Court judge has closed the books on a long-running lawsuit accusing the City Council of violating the state’s Open Meeting Law. In 2008, the 13-member council acknowledged it was guilty of violating the law by ... Read more.

Javann Hall, 26, was arraigned Monday on charges he acted as the driver for a gunman who blasted away at a Readville man about to get his todller out of the car on Saturday night.

Assistant Suffolk County District ... Read more.

Voters in one precinct in Ward 12 and a pair of precincts in Ward 16 have had their voting locations change for the preliminary municipal election on Sept. 27.

Those living in Ward 12, Precinct 2, will vote at the ... Read more.

The Mattapan Square Main Streets board of directors held a public “visioning” meeting at the Mattapan Branch Library on Tuesday night, the first such event held by the organization since it was officially designated by ... Read more.

Steven Bolley, 29, of Willowwood Street, was ordered held without bail Wednesday at his arraignment in Roxbury District Court on a charge of murder.

Bolley was one of several men who surrounded Justin Albert, 22, ... Read more.

Boston’s development chief on Tuesday offered a bullish assessment of near-term prospects for growth in the city, ticking off projects recently completed and claiming global investors view Boston as one of four or five “ ... Read more.

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