The Mattapan Square Main Streets board of directors held a public “visioning” meeting at the Mattapan Branch Library on Tuesday night, the first such event held by the organization since it was officially designated by City Hall last fall. Tuesday’s... Read more
Two sitting Boston city councillors may be forced to move from their current homes or give up their seats due to Boston population shifts that could transform the boundaries of their current districts. That's one possibility that was raised at a... Read more
Milagros “Milly” Arbaje-ThomasLast May’s departure of longtime Mattapan ABCD Family Service Center director Lillie Searcy came amid an electric streak of civic engagement running through the community. Fortunately for the neighborhood, Searcy’s successor... Read more
The Boston Police Department reports finding a man in his mid to late 20s with multiple gunshot wounds behind 18 Hosmer St., around 4:10 a.m. on Friday.
The victim was pronounced at the scene.
Mattapan and Dorchester murders over the past year.
John O’Toole, a local realtor and a top candidate in the District 3 City Council race, is enmeshed in a civil lawsuit with a former partner of his, according to court records. But he isn’t the only candidate who has been involved in legal actions in... Read more
New Mattapan Health Center Topping-OffMattapan Community Health Center celebrated a milestone in the construction of its new facility with a topping-off ceremony this afternoon. Patients, staff, neighbors and supporters signed a steel beam that was placed... Read more
State transportation officials are expected to pour an additional $500,000 into the Mattapan Square MBTA station, which opened in 2009 after $11 million in renovations.The additional renovations were expected to start this fall, but will likely be pushed... Read more
After being closed for more than one year, the Mattahunt Community Center pool is now open to the public again. The re-opening follows an effort by Wheelock College to help kickstart the center’s programming back into gear as the school year approaches.... Read more
According to data from the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), health centers have been serving as health care homes for more than 40 years, providing continuous primary and preventive care that reduces the risk of new health care... Read more
Above, a report on the Neponset Greenway from the non-profit Press Pass TV, which works with Boston-area students to produce video reports. This one was produced in collaboration with the Dorchester Reporter.
Braving one of the worst heat waves of the... Read more