Wilkerson son confirms interest in election to replace Turner

Cornell Mills, former state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson youngest son, confirmed on Wednesday he is considering jumping into the race to replace former City Councillor Chuck Turner.

"It's a possibility," he said at the Moakley Courthouse, during a brief break in a hearing on his mother's federal corruption case. She pleaded guilty in June.

Mills has applied for nomination papers needed to gather signatures and get on the ballot. Candidates need to provide the Boston Elections Department with 191 signatures from District 7 voters by Dec. 30.

The preliminary special election is Feb. 15. The special election follows a month later on March 15. The field of candidates continues to grow, with Tito Jackson, former aide to Gov. Deval Patrick, considered the heavy favorite.

Mills, 36, served as his mother's field director on the campaign trail, as well as a driver.

When they were young, Mills and his brother Kendall would often tag along with Wilkerson to Boston College Law School classes and volunteer at the local NAACP office while she was a top attorney there, according to a letter Mills sent to the federal judge presiding over Wilkerson's case, asking for leniency for his mother.

Turner was removed from the City Council earlier this month after a jury unanimously convicted him of accepting a $1,000 bribe. Turner's case was an off-shoot of the federal case against Wilkerson.>
