WHERE THEY ARE: The candidates' schedules - 10/26/2009

Earlier this morning, City Councillors At-Large Michael Flaherty and Sam Yoon held a presser outside of City Ha-- Actually, it was outside the Brighton Mills Shopping Center. Team Floon is protesting whiny emails from Boston Redevelopment Authority officials who are managing a housing project in the area. Community members obtained the emails through a public records law request. (What a pesky, terrible, awful, no-good law.) Meanwhile Mayor Thomas Menino celebrates the grand opening of the Boston Buying Power Office and attends the expansion of advanced placement classes in Boston Public Schools.


11:00 AM Advanced Placement (AP) BPS: Expanding Access and Improving Achievement
O’Bryant School of Math and Science Auditorium (Back of School)
55 Malcolm X. Blvd, Roxbury

Mayor Thomas M. Menino and Superintendent Carol Johnson will join students, teachers, community partners and others to celebrate expansion of Advanced Placement in the Boston Public Schools. The event will feature the announcement of a substantial grant to fund AP expansion as well as inspiring testimonials from teachers, students and graduates about the role of Advanced Placement in preparing students for college courses.

2:00 PM Grand Opening Boston Buying Power Office (Taylor Consulting)
Boston Buying Power Office, 44 School Street

Mayor Thomas M. Menino will join the City’s partner in its Boston Buying Power initiative, Taylor Consulting and Contracting, for a celebration of the program’s successful first year and grand opening celebration of their new downtown Boston office. In just 10 months, more than 800 commercial and industrial companies and non-profit organizations have joined the innovative bulk-buying group that allows them to purchase energy at a long-term fixed price through access to the deregulated energy market.


11:00 a.m. – Visit with Seniors

12:30 p.m. – Visit with Seniors

5:30 p.m. – City Council Hearing on Environment and Health - city preparedness for H1N1/swine flu
14 Crawford St., Dorchester

Agendas are provided by the Menino and Flaherty campaigns and laboriously pasted here by Lit Drop staff. Please note that plans can change on the campaign trail at a moment’s notice, but we do our best to keep it up to date.

