Pieniazek FTW?

That's "for the win," for those in need of translation. (Not the, uh, different translations we didn't even know about.)

On Thursday, web media guru Adam Pieniazek, an Uphams Corner native, wrote up a pretty brutal take down of City Councillor At-Large Michael Flaherty's Twitter usage.

Before then, the mayoral candidate's feed was mainly a compilation of his comings and goings.

"Then, just one day later @mffboston09 began talking to us, instead of talking at us," Pieniazek wrote on Monday. "And today, we see the Twitter handle following 240 people, talking to those people, and RTing others."

God help us, there's even LOLing at horrible jokes involving Karl Marx. (Though, for the record, the Twitter feed says Pieniazek's write-up did not contribute to the surge in responsiveness.)

If this leads to campaign-generated LOLcats, it'll be on your head, Pieniazek.

Looking for other Twitter feeds? Here's Mayor Thomas Menino's, Sam Yoon's, and Kevin McCrea's.

EDIT: Link fixed.


