
Mayor Martin Walsh boosted funding for the city’s existing Main Streets program last year – with each of the city’s 20 designated districts getting a $75,000 boost. It was a signal that Walsh’s administration is committed to supporting one of his... Read more

This week’s release of an independent consultant’s analysis of the now-defunct Boston 2024 Olympic bid reads like the autopsy report of a patient who had suffered from a litany of chronic illnesses.

The fundamental flaws in the pro-Olympic... Read more

The city of Boston – and the neighborhood of Mattapan in particular – is very fortunate to have a tremendous partner in Wheelock College. Under an existing agreement that started in 2011, the college has been managing the operations and programming at... Read more

Mayor Martin Walsh and his administration have an opportunity to flip their disappointment over the demise of the Boston 2024 bid into a robust, thoughtful, and efficient execution of large-scale redevelopment in Boston.

But rather than focus... Read more

Ask any couple that has gone from summer fling to serious courtship to the altar. All the stars have to align for it to happen and for it to last.

From the beginning, this pairing of Boston and the Olympics was a star-crossed match. The bid was... Read more

The international community is speaking out against the Dominican Republic’s reckless immigration crackdown that is targeting people of Haitian descent. Editorial boards, human rights groups, and a few key political leaders here in the United States —... Read more

It has been a good week for proponents of bringing the 2024 Olympic Games to Boston.

For starters, the latest iteration of the organization’s proposal —... Read more

It took some nine years for the wheels of justice to catch up with one of this city’s most notorious real estate con men. But, justice finally prevailed last week in the case of Michael David Scott, a now 51-year-old from Mansfield who ravaged the... Read more

Jack Doherty’s near-fatal heart attack is nearly eighteen months in the rear-view mirror, a fact for which he, his family and friends are grateful. The Dorchester businessman and Hingham resident had the chance to tell his story recently to a crowded... Read more
