
The dire early forecasts over this week’s winter storm set an ominous tone. The polar vortex was back, the Midwest states were churning,and the jet stream was just right to produce a gargantuan blizzard, a nor’easter to end all nor’easters.

... Read more

The trial of state Rep. Carlos Henriquez ended in his conviction on three assault charges and an unexpectedly tough punishment for a first-time offender – six months to be served in the Middlesex House of Correction out of a two-and-a-half year... Read more

We lost a wonderful neighbor last Sunday. The sad news came that Bob Quinn had gone into cardiac arrest at his Cape Cod retreat and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. He was 85 years old, and what a life he had lived — one full of great... Read more

This week marks the end of an era –the Menino Era – for our city. On the first Monday of this new year, Jan. 6, Hyde Park’s Tom Menino will step aside as mayor of Boston Mayor, leaving an office he has filled for more than 20 years.

It was on... Read more

Details of Mayor-elect Marty Walsh’s inaugural celebration on the night of Mon., Jan. 6 are starting to filter out through his transition website. The big headline is that those who want to be there – live and in person – can do so by purchasing... Read more

The decision by Bank of America executives to shut down their branch at 555 Columbia Rd. in Uphams Corner next year is puzzling. The bank has a satellite branch at South Bay Mall – about a half-mile away, but it is smaller and less convenient for many... Read more
