
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were... Read more

The public debate over the future of the branch libraries took a Darwinian turn yesterday morning when BPL Trustees chairman Jeffrey Rudman revealed he couldn’t possibly consider closing branches in Uphams Corner and Egleston Square, claiming they “... Read more

What a difference two years can make.

It was the spring of 2008 when a special consultant working for Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley released a study that painted a dismal future for Dorchester’s Carney Hospital.

Now just... Read more

At long last, relief is here; let us be glad

How many of you earn that amount in a year?
Not I, says the teacher. Nor I, says the letter carrier. Nor I, says the clerk at the corner store. Certainly not I,... Read more


How many of you earn that amount in a year?

Not I, says the teacher. Nor I, says the letter carrier. Nor I, says the clerk at the corner store. Certainly not I, says the senior citizen living on Social Security.

$88,200.... Read more

The month’s heavy rainfall has set a lot of folks to thinking maybe there really is something to this business of climate change after all. It seems like only yesterday we were thinking, hey, the Boston winter season this year really wasn’t too hard to... Read more

Ireland’s great Famine, also known as the Great Hunger (An Gorta Mór) took place in the middle of the 19th century, caused by a blight on the potato crop in the Emerald Isle. Beginning with the harvest of 1846, and lasting for five years, the fungus... Read more

The story of the dramatic turnaround in the fiscal health of Dorchester’s Carney Hospital is truly a remarkable one.

It was just thirty months ago that Attorney General  Martha Coakley conducted an investigation of the hospital and its  parent... Read more

The news this week that Rep. Marie St. Fleur has decided not to seek reelection this fall is not good news for the community. In her ten years in office, she has been a stellar advocate for the people of her district, for the broader Dorchester and... Read more

Last Sunday, at St. Gregory’s church, the pastor, Father Vin Dailey, spoke in his homily about the start of the season of Lent, which began yesterday with the observance of Ash Wednesday.
The young priest has been an inspiration to many in his... Read more

The weather prognosticators were agog this week with their predictions of the modest snowstorm that arrived here Wednesday afternoon.

All week long, these highly trained meteorologists and their anchor-people partners in the media have been... Read more

By Tom Mulvoy

The news last week that come June there will be no more schooling done at the 87-year-old building that sits on the grounds of the St. Mark’s Parish campus in Dorchester was... Read more

Late last fall, word spread through the neighborhood that one of our own, Jerry “Judgie” Leary, had been diagnosed with a terminal disease. The longtime union official and veteran community activist and his wife wife Gayle are the parents of six â... Read more

It is the right thing to do today to congratulate our new U.S. Senator-elect, Scott Brown, on his impressive election this week. Senator Brown’s campaign was given little chance last fall in the wake of the death of the 46-year incumbent Democrat,... Read more

The news coming out of Haiti is horrible. The images are heart-breaking. The damages are catastrophic. The suffering seems limitless.

The early reports from Port-au-Prince assert that most of that capital city lies in rubble. A shaky YouTube... Read more
