
Two separate incidents — one in Savin Hill, and another near Franklin Park— have the neighborhood on edge this week mainly because of the brazen, callous nature of the crimes themselves.

On Monday, a woman was sexually assaulted in broad... Read more

The new casino law — signed by Governor Patrick on Tuesday— contains a key provision that will give the Boston City Council an important say in the siting of any future gambling complex within our city limits. The council can and should use this... Read more

Longtime City Clerk Rosaria Salerno— a former Boston city councillor who has served several three-year terms in the job since 1995— says she plans to leave the post in February. The Boston City Council will elect her replacement. It is the one job in... Read more

There’s still time for Governor Patrick to make changes to the flawed Casino bill passed by the House and Senate last night. The governor should either make line-item revisions to the bill and send it back to the Legislature — or just veto it... Read more

The hard-fought contest to choose a new city councillor in District 3 is over. While the eight-month-long race was a generally positive exercise in civic discourse, there is one thing that all sides agree on: No one is sorry to see this election cycle... Read more

The traditional start of the home heating season came this week, but for thousands of Boston families in need of assistance to cover the exorbitant cost of heating fuel, the news is bleak. Due largely to the intransigence in the nation’s capitol and... Read more

There’s a reason why so-called ‘Happy Hours’ have been banned in Massachusetts since 1984. We hope that our state lawmakers and the governor will remember that as they consider an ill-advised push from the State Senate that would restore free or... Read more

The Columbus Day murder of Ciaran Conneely — who was apparently accosted by a gunman as he approached the door of his Nahant Avenue apartment building on Saturday... Read more

Last week’s arrest of a substance-abuse recovery home operator who has been at the center of a recent dispute in Port Norfolk is just the latest bad turn... Read more

And then there were two.

Frank Baker and John O’Toole earned the right to compete for our votes again in November by finishing in the top two spots on Tuesday’s ballot. The preliminary election in District 3 has been a hard-fought, intense... Read more

It’s now very clear that resort-style casino gambling will be setting up shop in Massachusetts in the not-so-distant future. The House of Representatives easily... Read more

This newspaper is always willing to give its readers space on our editorial pages to disagree with our opinions. In almost all cases, we offer no rebuttal to opinions contrary to ours and edit letters only to correct matters of generally accepted fact... Read more

Sunday will be a day of prayer, reflection, and mourning for most of us who lived through the traumatic events of September 11, 2001. It will also be an opportunity to teach our children— many of whom have no memory of that awful day — about the... Read more

The latest— and, we hope, the last— incarnation of the one-mile Neponset Greenway connection through Mattapan and Milton made its debut at a public meeting on... Read more
