
State Rep. Martin Walsh says he’ll convene a meeting of Columbia Point and Savin Hill stakeholders and transportation officials soon to “begin the process” of redesigning a troubled intersection that also serves as the entrance to UMass Boston’s campus... Read more

Mayor Menino can and should veto a City Council redistricting map that was approved by a narrow margin, 7-6, on August 22. From our vantage... Read more

When our Olde Town Team’s overseers salary-dumped those players onto the LA Dodgers’s payroll, they reduced payroll costs by some $260 million, a sharp reversal of form for a team that over the last decade has been a prime mover in the runaway salary... Read more

The aftermath of the August 12 slayings of three young women on Harlem Street has sparked a renewed outpouring of grief, anguish and soul-searching in Dorchester and surrounding communities impacted by violent crime. After a relatively quiet summer,... Read more

2012 is an election year, highlighted by the quadrennial presidential selection process: Every four years, American voters choose a president and a vice president.

The announcement last weekend that former Bain and Co. executive Willard (Mitt)... Read more

Bob Coard, the late champion of poor people, devoted his life to building Boston’s own anti-poverty/community action agency into a formidable presence. Under his guidance, Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) reached out to every... Read more

Last week, we asked our readers —both in print and online— to send in their nominees for their favorite restaurants in the neighborhood. The response was huge: We had well over 100 submissions come in via... Read more

The Patriot Ledger reported this week that Wahlburgers, the popular eatery in the Hingham Shipyard, is looking to expand to a... Read more

The ongoing confusion around the boundaries of the city’s neighborhoods has been largely caused by decades of indifference by city officials who callously shifted lines and blurred boundaries to reflect political and demographic changes in the last... Read more

Two years after a pair of sociopaths ruthlessly stole the life a 14-year-old boy on Bowdoin Street, the slow gears of our legal system finally delivered a measure of justice for the family of Nicholas Fomby-Davis.

Last week, a jury of their... Read more

An advisory group charged with advising the city and state on development priorities along the Fairmount Commuter rail corridor will meet for the first time this week. The group, convened by the BRA and picked from an applicant pool by the Mayor’s... Read more

Our good neighbors on the other side of the Neponset River are having a big celebration this weekend: the town of Milton this year is observing its 350th anniversary and three days of events are scheduled.

Officially, it’s Milton’s “... Read more
