Community Comment

“Who am I to judge?” With these words Pope Francis rejected the impulse to condemn and proposed that the Catholic Church adopt a more generous attitude to those with whom it disagrees, one that recognizes the importance of conscience in determining... Read more

Serenity rules over the ample space where neatly placed rows upon rows of plain-looking gravestones, some 750 in all, mark the final resting places of dedicated men who in the long ago invited me into their learning circle and helped steer my young... Read more

Too little, too late would seem to best describe the dilemma black community activists face in relation to the $2.6 billion rail transportation contract granted by the state to the Keolis Corporation. There has never been any indication that minority... Read more

The ongoing federal court trial of the state’s former commissioner of probation and two associates highlights the extent to which patronage influences the hiring of state workers. Since patronage is an inevitable part of the political process, it... Read more

It surely is understatement of the highest order to say that the Gerry Adams arrest/oral history saga has to go down as a painful chapter in the history of a university as closely linked to Ireland as Boston College always has been, and is likely to... Read more

To the Editor:

“Jobs Not Jails” will be the rallying cry this Saturday (April 26) at 1 p.m. on Boston Common as people from Dorchester and across Massachusetts gather to support the “Jobs Not Jails” campaign, which is headed up by Dorchester-... Read more

To the Editor:

Once again, we see more clear evidence that the Republican Charlie Baker is running a campaign right out of central casting for Massachusetts Republicans.  We see more proof that Baker’s is a campaign filled with cheap political... Read more

Having now for 75 years followed life’s path, I find the climbing more difficult, the upgrade steeper, and the trail narrower as I move on. There are moments, however, where one can rest, look back, and reflect on the journey.

I have lived... Read more

The following excerpts are from Governor Deval L. Patrick
’s remarks at the Boston Marathon Bombing One-Year Anniversary
 observation at the Hynes Convention Center on Tuesday, April 15, 2014.

…As I see it, “Boston Strong” is about the... Read more

The Bottle Bill is the state’s single most successful recycling and litter prevention program. Since its passage over 30 years ago, more than 35 billion containers have been redeemed and recycled, and thus prevented from entering landfills or littering... Read more

Red Sox announcer Jerry Remy has taken another bout of criticism after the recent Boston Globe article cataloguing his son Jared’s history of violence and domestic abuse. Some are calling for the “Rem-Dog” to resign or be fired, presumably because he... Read more

Editor’s Note: Aedan Harasymiw, age 12, lives in Dorchester and is a student at the Tremont School. His essay, printed here in its entirety, won first prize in this year’s Dorchester Day Parade Essay Contest, sponsored by the Dorchester... Read more

It’s a simple fact: McDonald’s does not pay me enough. I work hard, but it’s still a daily struggle to pay the bills and take care of my five-year-old son. That’s why I’m joining with other fast-food workers to stand up and speak out for $15 an hour... Read more

A bill pending at the State House offers the Commonwealth a real chance to be on the cutting-edge of recycling programs and serve as a national leader on recycling reform. Dorchester, along with communities across the state, would benefit.

An... Read more
