Community Comment

Although the long-awaited Boston Creates Cultural Plan will be released officially next month, a draft of the founding document was put on line earlier this month, on May 10. Reading it has made me, and others, uneasy.

The goal of... Read more

Mayor Martin Walsh’s recommended General Fund operating budget for fiscal 2017, starting July 1, totals $2.97 billion, an increase of $114.8 million, or 4.0 percent, over the prior year’s budget. This is a more thoughtful budget after two years in... Read more

In November there will likely be a referendum question on the state ballot proposing to lift the cap on charter schools. I believe that approval of this referendum will bleed our public schools dry and can only hurt the great majority of families in... Read more

President Trump announced today that his long-promised plan for a huge wall along the United States-Mexico border now appears more costly than he expected and he was having difficulty getting Mexico to pay for it. Instead, he proposed a simpler... Read more

To the Editor:

As the Bird Street Community Center approaches its 38th anniversary of being the cornerstone of the Uphams Corner Community, the staff and board of directors would like to take this opportunity to thank the... Read more

As graduating high school seniors receive college responses, many find themselves wait-listed. The wait list has become a rite of passage; neither accepted nor rejected, “listers” are cast adrift in the college application process. Although, I suppose... Read more

From 2011 to 2015, the number of pedestrians killed in our city has tripled. This year alone, six people have been killed in a motor vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian crash on Boston roads. As elected officials in the city of Boston, we feel the need... Read more

To the Editor:

Bay Cove Human Services and Kit Clark Senior Services are proud, long-standing members of the Dorchester community. For over 40 years, Bay Cove has delivered Early Intervention services in Dorchester – originally in Fields Corner... Read more

Three weeks ago I went to the monthly meeting of the Codman Square Neighborhood Council where two developers were presenting competing proposals for a city-owned lot between Codman Square and the Fairmount Line. In those two proposals lay very... Read more

When I read recently that Boston had the highest income inequality among the 100 largest US cities, I wanted to cry. I was so angry at the politicians and business leaders whose decisions made this happen. That the city we love should have such a title... Read more
