Community Comment

The 350th birthday party for the James Blake House was one of the high points of the recent Dorchester Descendants weekend with guests from all over the United States who are descended from Dorchester residents from 1630 through the 21st century.

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The following is a letter to the editor that Ed Geary, Jr., Parade Clerk of the Dorchester Day Parade, sent to the Boston Globe.

First off, I must say that the stars were aligned for us hosting the Dorchester Day Parade this year. We... Read more

To the Editor:

Last week, the Archdiocese of Boston canceled St. Cecilia’s “All Are Welcome” Mass to celebrate Boston’s Gay Pride Month, saying it gave the “unintended impression’’ that St. Cecilia’s supported Gay Pride. The canceled Mass will... Read more

As our Dorchester Day Parade Marshal assembles the official cars “across the bridge,” they will be in Milton, which was part of the Town of Dorchester, until it became a separate town in 1662.

Proceeding to the official starting point, the cars... Read more

With the death of Osama bin Laden, the debate about “enhanced interrogation” techniques has heated up. I wonder whether the Gestapo referred to it as the German equivalent of enhanced interrogation when they tortured prisoners during World War II.... Read more

“When you’re hot, you’re hot and when you’re not, you’re not.” I cannot determine the source of that bit of political wisdom, but it certainly has a Yogi Berra ring to it.

With the countless hours now devoted to political analysis on television... Read more

The Massachusetts Probation Department would remain under the jurisdiction of the courts, but a new civilian administrator would be hired to help run the agency under a bill unveiled last Thursday by House Speaker Robert DeLeo.

The legislation,... Read more

To the Editor:
Contrary to the Reporter’s story about how well residents and city officials have received the City’s new LED lighting retrofitted into “... Read more

This is the season of acceptances and rejections when high school seniors experience the joy of victory or the agony of defeat when the dreaded envelopes arrive.

My oldest grandchild, a senior at BC High, applied to about 10 colleges and, unlike... Read more

In this period of Lent, I was invited by a minister to speak at a Lenten service that took place in the home of a congregant where the Reverend Phil Jacobs displayed his progressive, whimsical side. 

Within the copy of the text of the reading we... Read more

This week, look around when you’re at church and try to pick out which 1 of the 8 women around you will get diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her life. These women will be witness to some profound changes, when their hair begins to thin and... Read more
