Community Comment

To the Editor:

In political discourse, the strength of someone’s substantive arguments usually has an inverse relationship to how readily they resort to logical fallacy.  Recently, Boston 2024 and its proponents have resorted to this tactic to... Read more

One of our neighborhood’s most beautiful landmarks is nearing a milestone celebration. Cedar Grove Cemetery, that bucolic swath of land nestled on the Neponset River near Lower Mills, will begin to observe its 150th year later this decade.

... Read more

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is not repentant for the harm he has caused. He is not asking for mercy or forgiveness. He sees himself as a Muslim warrior fully justified in retaliating against America for thousands of innocent civilians who have suffered and died... Read more

If society truly measures people by both financial success and charitable works, Andrew Carney ranks as one of the greatest rag-to-riches stories in America’s annals.

Before there were “Horatio Alger” stories, there was Andrew Carney. Today,... Read more

By James G. Keefe

Frankly, I’m not surprised at the level of skepticism that has greeted the possibility of the Summer Olympics coming to Boston. That Yankee caution and resistance to all things new has permeated our culture for... Read more

Trash, trash, and more trash. Our city, like almost every other community in Massachusetts, has a big problem with its waste, reports Bruce Mohl in CommonWealth Magazine:

“Trash is one of those problems that stares Massachusetts residents in the... Read more

The following letter to the editor was secondarily addressed to state Rep. Evandro C. Carvalho of the Fifth Suffolk District:

Dear Rep. Carvalho,

We, the members of the Ward 15 Democratic Committee, were very pleased to... Read more

Earlier this school year, I had the rare opportunity to leave my chosen profession behind for a few short hours and step into another role: guest principal at the historic Mather Elementary school in Dorchester.

I was given this unique... Read more

Nations tend to collapse from within. Internal problems such as corruption, dysfunction, economic collapse, concentration of wealth and power, and military adventures all wrapped in the creed of exceptionalism suggest that the lessons of history no... Read more

Seventy years ago this month, the world was anticipating the imminent end of the murderous Nazi regime as Allied forces under General Dwight D. Eisenhower and a number of aggressive Russian generals were pressing from all sides on the once-invincible... Read more

The wind blowing off America’s coastline has the potential to generate 54 gigawatts of electricity, enough to power 42 million homes. To capture some of that energy, this winter the US Department of the Interior leased 354,000 acres off the Bay State... Read more
