Community Comment

I was asleep when the phone rang. Who could be calling at this hour?

I reached over to answer it and said: “Hello, who is this? “It’s me Joan,” came the reply. “Is this some kind of joke,” I said. “No! No! Don’t hang up; it really is me.... Read more

The greater Boston region is facing the largest building boom since the Big Dig. Billions of dollars are slated for development over the next decade and everyone is excited about the number of jobs that will be created and the domino effect on the... Read more

The Boston you enjoy today is not the Boston I knew almost 50 years ago when I was a student at Boston Latin School.  Our vibrant, multicultural, prosperous, and energetic city is the result of a number of factors, some of which result from good... Read more

The decline of a nation usually is the result of internal forces that undermine its strength and confidence. The likely nomination of Donald Trump and the possibility of his being elected president is more than alarming; it’s perilous. I have lived... Read more

As our communities face a dramatic uptick in opiate-related deaths and overdoses, state and city policymakers are working together to find ways to increase the quality and availability of treatment facilities for those in need, as well as address... Read more

The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a brilliant and charismatic exponent of the so-called “originalist school.” He believed the Constitution should be interpreted and applied within the context of what the framers intended when it was... Read more

It’s Bernie Sanders for me. Aside from the Brooklyn accent and the frank, candid, New Yorkish way we share of expressing ourselves, my vote doesn’t only confirm my faith in Bernie, my vote reflects my conviction that it’s time we be ‘moving on’. ... Read more

It was at the historic Mother Bethel AME church in Philadelphia where I heard Hillary Clinton discuss human trafficking with a depth and decency that moved me.

Any candidate for office, myself included, prepares for the questions we get asked... Read more

Though supporters of legislation that would establish a paid family and medical leave requirement in Massachusetts hope to see a version of the bill signed into law this session, key details of the proposed policy — including who would pay for it — are... Read more

I recently attended the Gasparilla Festival while visiting my son in Tampa. It’s a huge Mardi Gras-like event held since 1904 to commemorate the capture of the city, so the legend says, in the late 1700s by a Spanish pirate named Jose Gaspar and his... Read more

To the Editor:

Friday (Feb. 12) is the deadline for public comment on the MBTA’s two options to increase fares. I urge Reporter readers to speak up.
An affordable and accessible public transportation system is a measure of equity in a... Read more

Have you been following the news on the proposed MBTA fare hikes? While there seems to be an overwhelming amount of disapproval based on economics, the environment, and public health impacts, I think we are missing a critical framing on the issue. At... Read more

By Lew Finfer

Last week, the University of Massachusetts confirmed what has been clear for several years now: They are moving ahead with a plan to build a 1,000 bed dormitory complex on the Dorchester campus of UMass Boston. The Columbia Point... Read more

Do you know what a “middle-skill job” is? It is any aspect of work that requires some type of training or education beyond high school, but not a four-year college degree.

Do you know which country is having the most difficulty placing... Read more
