Clark Booth on Sports

Hockey is back! Maybe better than ever! Maybe!

It seems like only yesterday that the Kings were waltzing off with The Cup, and the day before when the Bruins were departing in a striking mix of rage and confusion. The seasons are tightly packed... Read more

Here are some stray thoughts and idle observations on a handful of trifles while awaiting the inevitability of the sporting event that finally restores harmony and dissolves the dysfunction hog-tying the government:

That would be a... Read more

Have you ever read Raymond Chandler’s dandy little classic, “The Long Goodbye”? Probably Raymond’s best work, it’s about the lamentable fade-away of Terry Lennox, a breezy though reckless hustler who nonetheless remains most likeable.

Baseball... Read more

In a sporting world suddenly gone topsy-turvy, there are many, many, questions currently raging that are quantum leaps beyond the poor capacity of this space to offer answers. Nor will your host be dumb enough to hazard even a try.

Moreover, the... Read more

Football is back! Three cheers, as they say. Bursting with record profits, soaring in television ratings, fawned over and adoringly promoted by all the media, and given a free pass by arbiters of the culture’s ethics and mores, our loveable old... Read more

Here we go again, rounding the pole and bearing into the stretch; another season, another show.  Time honored is the custom of solemnly observing this moment here in this space, although the fun of it this year is limited, the season having been mailed... Read more

We have some dribs and drabs from the sporting scene for bantering while awaiting the summer’s suffocating dog days to run their miserable course.  And is there a sporting experience more painful, either to play or watch (at the going price), than an... Read more

Coming up is the spectacle of a baseball contest in a boardroom sure to be more fascinating than anything parenthetically happening on a ballfield. Breathlessly we await the election of a new baseball commissioner to succeed — mercifully and at... Read more

Long ago and far away the magic “let’s-make-a-deal” day on the baseball calendar was not the last day in July but the Ides of June. Every year there was a bevy of whoppers.  

Back in the post-war era, anticipation of the dramatic rush in June 15... Read more

We’re about to arrive at the sweetest moment on the baseball calendar and nothing in all of sport quite matches it. We speak of Hall of Fame Day at Cooperstown on the banks of that shimmering pond that Fenimore Cooper glorified where at the high point... Read more

It has only been a couple of weeks since we headed to the beach for our annual summer breather, little more than a bloody fortnight, but in terms of the furious sporting fare that has transpired in this brief interlude it seems more like a full... Read more

As June ends, so does the first half of the season. In Baseball, time flies even when you’re not having so much fun. Hereabouts, one question emerges above all. Where have the “Beasts of the American League East” gone?

We’re accustomed to being... Read more

Time at last to say farewell to winter, never officially done and gone until they’ve dropped the last puck. To the end it was grueling, both at the rink and away. Three months after the dawn of spring, we finally have resolution. The sporting seasons... Read more

Here are some items to mull over when you have nothing better to do while waiting for the Herald to officially proclaim, “Wait until next year!” 

Slowball: Amazingly, given how long it has taken, Major League Baseball suddenly seems to recognize... Read more

Here in the New World we have our pet sporting pageants, which, in our hopelessly naïve sense of superiority, we deem thoroughly matchless.
There are the annual snappy hockey and basketball festivals, currently cresting to another merry climax;... Read more
