Clark Booth on Sports

Are you too all atwitter waiting for all those heavily cleated shoes to drop in the annual midsummer night’s garage sale that baseball now annually features? Set your watches for 4 p.m (EDT) the last day of July as you breathlessly brace for little or... Read more

With all of the problems of sports in general and baseball in particular—let alone those of the entire dimly cockeyed, stuck-in-a-ditch, hopelessly atwitter nation …. for that matter—you’d think we’d have better things to think about and wrangle over... Read more

In my book, among the more aimless discussions in sports is the eternal debate about how important a manager is to the success or failure of a baseball team. People who otherwise seem to know their stuff argue there are teams so good that they can... Read more

The games abound. They rage as never before. There’s hysteria in the streets. A breathless hush descends on the mob awaiting the resolution of the madness with a desperate yearning for a merciful result ringing like a deep cry in the night. As the late... Read more

By the first weekend of June and the day before D-Day, every MLB team had played at least 54 games, so the one-third marker of another long, intense, and grueling baseball season had been cleared. It’s enough of a sample to allow for some faint... Read more

Here are some items to kick around while waiting for the Bruins to disentangle themselves from these pesky Lightning. With this advice to the faint of heart; it isn’t supposed to be easy.

And for those late-arriving hockey pundits now... Read more

Can the course of a baseball season be unalterably ordained by just another three-game series the second week in May? Of course not. But huge revelations are possible so early, and with them come signals that are telling. And you’re well advised to not... Read more

Following are some stray flotsam and jetsam to be hopefully stitched into an amusing pastiche beginning with the hockey, which is the hottest sporting story in town for the first time in a long time.

As the clock ticked on the final... Read more

Less than a month into the new baseball  season and it begins to look like one of those years when, much to our deepening agitation, it’s more about what’s happening off the field than on the field. Consider the issues that are suddenly piling up:... Read more

In the epic ‘Black Sox’ scandal that broke late in the season of 1920, there would be a sensational trial a year later in Chicago that lit up the headlines all over the land.

The unhappy “eight men out” -- that infamous nucleus of the White Sox... Read more

We can thank Buck Showalter, chippy boss of the upstart Baltimores, for getting our baseball season off to a lusty start. The kiddies were still adrift in the extended reverie known as Spring Training when the dogged Orioles skipper snapped everybody... Read more

On the one hand, the stage seems set for a banner year for major league baseball. The competition for the increasingly tight sports buck is in a shambles with the problems of the NFL skyrocketing and those of the NBA, which could prove to be even... Read more

The nightmare scenario for those whose idea of sport is sufficiently perverse would be to have all four of our big-ticket leagues sidelined and sidetracked with epic labor meltdowns all at the same times. Now wouldn’t that be hilarious.

... Read more

Welcome to the baseball season that need not be played, the conclusion being foregone. It’s the year of Red Sox Nation’s ultimate hegemony. Could a visit from Attila’s Huns have been any more exciting?
Nothing blemishes the skies over Fort Myers... Read more

Is it too late to note that the professional football season that just ended with what could only be described as a thud marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American Football League of sainted memory?

It was little noted. More... Read more
