Editorial: One Boston Day: A time to pitch in, a time to remember

In Dorchester, it’s a bittersweet day. We remember those we lost five years ago, particularly eight-year-old Martin Richard, whose message of peace and kindness lives on through the good works of his family and the people whom they inspire.

p1 OneBostonDay logo REP 15-18.pngOn Monday, more than 100 runners will hit the Boston Marathon course to fulfill their mission of raising more than $800,000 for the foundation in Martin’s name. On the day before, though, it’s the broader community’s turn to pitch in. It’ll be a busy morning and afternoon as volunteers fan out across the neighborhood to pitch in with rakes, brooms, and work gloves— giving a collective nudge to a reluctant spring.

The Richard Foundation and its partners have picked out service sites across Dorchester, including the Neponset River, Roberts Playground, Geneva Avenue, the King School, and Peabody Square. A full list can be found online at martinrichardfoundation.org/onebostonday.

In the afternoon, the volunteer crews have been invited to assemble at Town Field in Fields Corner (moved to IBEW Local 103 Hall due to weather) for a “service village” that will feature live music, painting with Dot Art, and other projects— all geared toward building community in our part of the city. At 2:49 p.m., we will pause for a moment of silence to remember all of the victims of that horrible moment— and week— in 2013.

“One Boston Day has turned the Marathon into a movement our entire city has rallied around, spreading the message of kindness and goodwill across the world,” said Mayor Walsh.

The Richard Foundation continues to lead us in that effort, and in doing so, brings great honor to our neighborhood and to the memory of Martin.



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