A scandal on the fairways

There were several rather odd things going on up at the William Devine Golf Course last Friday. I hate to be the one breaking news in this city, because after all I'm not really a journalist I'm just a story teller, but I think it's time to expose what could be several long running scandals.

And yes, once again most of them have to do with people from the City of Boston. Trust me, these scandals have nothing to do with paternity tests that are never going to happen.

We all have responsibilities at our jobs that fit into the "performs related duties as required" section of our job description and if you're lucky one is golfing on occasion in tournaments for great causes with wonderful people. It's a bit much to ask an employee to skip the office on a Friday in August, but who said the working life was going to be easy?

The Roxbury Community College Foundation sponsored the golf tournament to raise money for urban - that's us - people who try and do the right thing, get a little educated. You know, people who can't' immediately get into Harvard or Boston College. People who have a notion that a little education might improve their quality of life. Could be right up there with the Teapot Dome Scandal although this one's not about money and oil, it's just about dreams.

That's almost as bold as stealing money from a copy machine, isn't it? The Registrar of Probate in Middlesex County story line is almost the same plot as that guy Victor Hugo wrote about who stole the loaf of bread to feed his sisters family and was hunted down by that mean inspector for all of his days. His sister's family needed to eat and the employees of Middlesex County's Probate Court needed office supplies. You do what you have to do.

Back to the aforementioned scandals. And this, I understand, due to my limited skills as an investigative reporter, is the fifth time The Roxbury Community College Foundation has had the audacity to raise this money. They even publicly stated, without any shame, some of the money goes to the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center. They even had sponsors, The Hampton Inn, Kowloon Restaurant, A Mighty River and Boston Parks and Recreation to name a few. Imagine businesses giving back? The nerve.

I'm no landscaping expert but the William Devine golf course is in the best shape I ever remember. Aren't City of Boston employees responsible for that now? They must have brought in temporary migrant workers to fill in for the ones who must be out on some sort of disability or worker's comp or at the very least sick leave. And if you didn't know any better you'd think it was real pro shop up there, not one run by municipal employees.

And what's with this Caddie Scholarship program going on there? Whose idea was it to give 15 through 18-year-old youths from the City of Boston an opportunity to learn about a game that is a great equalizer, teach them how to be gentleman and ladies, learn a thing or two, and get paid?

And you should see those caddie scholars. It's their eyes that tell their tale. Bright with enthusiasm and hope looking out to a future full of promise. Imagine a City of Boston Youth employment program that perpetuates something like that? Scandalous, indeed.

But the biggest scandal of all is that our team took home some pretty impressive hardware that's going to look very nice in my office. I wish I could tell you I contributed to our second place finish but the truth is I was carried on some very strong shoulders.
