
What follows is a listing of where candidates in the district races will be after the polls close tomorrow night. This post will be updated to add locations as we receive them. For political junkies who are planning on staying in, BNN-TV's Joe Heisler... Read more
The Globe's Metro section has a rundown on the District 3 race, with John O'Toole, Craig Galvin and Frank Baker viewed as the frontrunners. All three top-tier candidates have benefited from significant fund-raising, influential endorsements, and the... Read more
A campaign flier distributed to voters this weekend by the Frank Baker campaign touting his endorsement by State Senator Jack Hart has been repudiated by Hart, who says he has not endorsed anyone in the District 3 preliminary election set for Tuesday.... Read more
It’s now very clear that resort-style casino gambling will be setting up shop in Massachusetts in the not-so-distant future. The House of Representatives easily passed a measure last week that will allow for up to three such casinos across the... Read more
A Boston development firm has begun working on a “conceptual” plan to acquire and re-develop several tracts of land along Boston Street adjacent to the South Bay Mall, according to civic activists who discussed the emerging plan at the monthly meeting of... Read more
12 Lorenzo St. property owner George Bragel discusses the outcome of the meeting with State Representative Marty Walsh The Port Norfolk Civic Association this week declared its unilateral opposition to the continued operation of a “sober home” — a... Read more
A mini-grant program will offer non-profit, volunteer groups funding to plant new trees as part of a citywide effort to improve Boston’s tree canopy cover. The Grow Boston Greener (GBG) initiative will provide $500 - $2,500 mini-grants for tree plantings... Read more
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, visiting Boston with Denver business leaders, told Gov. Deval Patrick on Thursday that people all over the country talk about him as “a likely presidential candidate.” At an event at the Intercontinental Hotel on the... Read more
Dot Park Gala 5: A tent was raised on Dorchester Park's main ball field on Wednesday in preparation of this weekend's Dorchester Park Gala. Photo by Ed Forry The Dorchester Park Association is planning a weekend of outdoor events this weekend to showcase... Read more
Traffic mess: Cars and trucks were stacked up at 2:15 on Tuesday on Dorchester Ave. southbound near Glover's Corner.City Hall is seeking ways to remedy the traffic troubles plaguing the intersection at Dorchester Avenue and Freeport Street, also known as... Read more


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