One way or another, each of the over one million people participating in the upcoming 32nd First Night Boston, the oldest, largest and most-often-copied New Year's Eve arts celebration in North America, will sample the work of Dorchester and Mattapan... Read more
In conversation, Bryan McPherson is soft-spoken and understated, even a bit reserved.
Give him a guitar, a mic and a stage - or a few tiles of MBTA platform - and he's a house afire.
The 30 year-old singer-songwriter &endash; whose latest CD project... Read more
The audience was hushed in suspense; the dancer danced as the music would dip and crescendo with the emotions entwined with the events revealed as the agonizing stories of two mothers unfolded.
They were heart-broken mothers; one whose son was killed.... Read more
Dorchester Days: Published by Phaidon in 2000When Eugene Richards first published a collection of black and white photographs of this neighborhood in 1978, he found himself in some hot water. Richards called his book "Dorchester Days"- a title that... Read more