A “public workshop” to discuss the recently published study by the Morrissey Boulevard Commission will be held in person this week on Thursday (March 20) from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express Boston, 69 Boston St.. See mass.gov/k-circle-morrissey-study for more info,

A virtual public meeting hosted by the Boston Planning Dept. to discuss the proposed re-development of 35-75 Morrissey Blvd. will be held on Wed., March 26, from 6 to 8 p.m.

MassDOT invites the public to an “informational meeting” on a “proposed roadway reconstruction on Columbia Road and Kosciuszko Circle at I-93” on Thurs., April 3, at 6 p.m. at Boston College High School’s Cadigan Lecture Hall, 150 Morrissey Blvd. The purpose of this meeting is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed rehabilitation work. All views and comments made at the meeting will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible,” the agency said in a public meeting noticed published on Page 21 of this week’s Reporter. In the event of inclement weather, a cancellation announcement will be posted on the internet at mass.gov/orgs/highway-division/events.

Dot Park Cleanup set – Dorchester Park will participate in the Love Your Block Neighborhood Cleanup on Sat., April 5, from 9:30 to noon. Volunteers should meet at the park’s Adams Street entrance to remove litter and also rake leaves from the stone drainage systems throughout the park. Some equipment will be provided but participants are encouraged to bring gloves, rakes, and brooms, if available. Those walking to the park may want to bring bags to pick up sidewalk trash on the way. 

A “Raise up Our Voices in Joy and Resistance” sing-along will be held at First Parish Dorchester, 10 Parish St., on Sat., April 5, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. It’s free. Music, refreshments and a gathering for young and old. Contact First Parish at 617-436-0527.

The Boston City Council’s Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing to solicit public testimony on the FY26 budget and the Boston Public School budget next Monday, March 24, at 6 p.m. at the Lilla G. Frederick Middle School, 270 Columbia Rd., Dorchester. Members of the public are invited to attend and testify in person or with written testimony. The contact is Meagan Corugedo, ccc.wm@boston.gov.
The Boston Planning Dept. will host a Fields Corner Visioning Workshop on Wed., March 26, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Chill on Park, 142 Park St. The public is invited to describe their goals for the future of Fields Corner and “engage with a series of mapped focus areas,” according to a public notice on Page 3 of this week’s Reporter.

Mayor Wu and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department host the Mayor’s Cup Street Hockey Tournament in partnership with the Boston Bruins Foundation on Mon., April 21, and Tues., April 22, during school vacation week. All games will be played at John “Jackie” O’Brien Street Hockey Court within Moakley Park on Columbia Road in South Boston. Additional support is provided by P&G Gillette.  Teams will compete in five divisions: Mite (ages 6 to 8); Squirt (ages 9 to 10); Pee Wee (ages 11 to 12); Girls U8; and Girls U10. Please note that pre-registration for teams is required with a limit of eight teams per regional division. Visit boston.gov/parks-sports to register or call 617-961-3083.

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