January 22, 2025
The operator of a chicken restaurant near Franklin Park appeared before Fields Corner Civic Association (FCCA) at its Jan. 7 meeting to pitch his intention to open another business in a long-vacant storefront at 1476 Dorchester Ave.
The landlord, Lillian Vo, who has been investing time and money into bringing the building up to code, has told civic leaders that she is confused about what to do next. A previous proposed tenant, Sam’s Spot, received a ‘Stop Work Order’ on her opening from the city’s Inspectional Services Department (ISD) due to two shooting incidents allegedly related to after-hours parties staged at the building under previous ownership.
FCCA members and other neighborhood groups advised all parties involved in this latest bid to work closely with ISD as there is great value seen in getting that storefront back in operation. The prospective new tenant— Omi’s Hot Chicken— is owned by Moheuddin Faysal, who currently operates Maaz’s Chicken on Blue Hill Avenue adjacent to Franklin Park.
Other items discussed at the meeting included:
•Several burglaries were logged in the business district over the past month, according to Boston Police officers who attended the meeting. On Dec. 14 around 1 a.m., a store at 1461 Dorchester Ave. was broken into and sunglasses were stolen.
Photos of the perpetrator were quickly relayed to officers and a suspect was spotted nearby and arrested. The 53-year-old Malden man had several pairs of sunglasses on his person.
Police are searching for a white male who is alleged to have committed two commercial burglaries with a crowbar over the new year. On Dec. 28, the man used the tool to break into Sweet Sip restaurant at 285 Adams St. and stole $100 from the register. Then, on Jan. 5 at 3:50 a.m. the same man was observed using it to break into Pizza 24 shop at 305 Adams St. At first, he took nothing and left, but then returned and stole a large amount of soda.
•Two shots-fired calls in late December are going to be major priorities for the C-11 district, said Capt. Steven Sweeney, who took charge at the Gibson Street stationhouse in late December. On Dec. 20 at 10:55 p.m. officers were called to Parkman Street for a man with a firearm. Arriving officers pursued two men in a vehicle onto Melville Avenue and then to Upland Street. They saw the car stop and two people exit. Because it was snowing heavily, police were able to follow the tracks of one man into a backyard, where they recovered a .40 calibre firearm with 14 rounds loaded. A shots-fired call on Parkman Street had also been reported a few days earlier.
On Dec. 22 at 9:19 p.m. police were called to the area of 34 Ditson St. for nine shots fired. Police found casings in the street and noted that three motor vehicles were hit with gunfire, and the senior citizen homes were also hit with gunfire, with rounds reportedly going into apartments there. A suspect fled on foot, but there have been no arrests and no injuries.
“We’re going to do our best being out there and that’s going to be a focus moving forward,” Sweeney said.
•Tet (Lunar) New Year is scheduled for Jan. 25 this year. See related story in this edition.