The Neponset River Watershed Association hosts a special ‘King Tide’ program at Tenean Beach in Dorchester on Sat., Feb. 10, at 10:30 a.m. to observe the tidal flooding and its impacts and discuss ways to remediate them. Following a brief talk, attendees will be invited to bike or walk with a guide with the Neponset Greenway Council. Go to Neponset.org for more info.

Join the BPDA for a virtual public meeting about Mattapan Squares + Streets Zoning on Wed., Feb. 7, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Zoom link: bit.ly/MattapanFebruary7.

ADSL will be open for February break (Feb. 20-23) for kids ages 5-11. Tuition ($25 per child) includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks; sports/fitness; competitive gaming, and more. Register today at adls.org.

Boston’s Zoning Commission will host a virtual public hearing on Feb. 14 at 9:15 a.m. about amendments filed by the BPDA to add one new Open Space subdistrict to Article 33. The Stadium Open Space (OS-S) subdistrict would create a new stadium and public amphitheater zoning district, in order to enable greater investment and enable more amenities in appropriate areas of the city’s current and future open spaces. Said map amendment would map the newly created OS-S subdistrict in East Boston (East Boston Memorial Stadium) and Mattapan (White Stadium) neighborhoods.

This meeting will only be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in this meeting by going to bit.ly/BZC_Feb142024. Copies of the petitions and a map of the area involved may be obtained from the Zoning Commission electronically, and you may also submit written comments or questions to zoningcommission@boston.gov.

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum offers several family-oriented activities and programs throughout Presidents’ Day week, including its signature Presidents’ Day Festival on Feb. 19 featuring presidential storytelling, activities and performances, and a Celebrate! family performing arts program. The Celebrate! performance of Stories of Hope and Joy with Len Cabral at 10:30 a.m. features folktales, myths, and personal accounts brought to life with humor, wisdom, and compassion by Cabral, the international renowned storyteller. Audiences of all ages will be inspired by stories of the power of hopeful actions in honor of Black History Month.  

The main activities will kick off at 11 a.m. Actors portraying Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt, and First Lady Abigail Adams will share stories and engage visitors in conversation. Festival goers can enjoy Museum tours and activities that bring history to life for all ages. The Festival will close with a special free concert by the Harvard Din & Tonics, who will perform Kennedy campaign songs and popular music from the 1960s and today. Visit jfklibrary.org/PresidentsDay for a detailed schedule of the Presidents’ Day Festival offerings. Registration is recommended.  

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