Ray Flynn honored at Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative block party

Ray Flynn, left, greets Ro Whittington, a former executive director of DSNI during the group’s 40th anniversary event on June 27. Photo by Romy St. Hilaire

When the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) gathered for its 40th anniversary block party and annual meeting on June 27 at the historic Shirley-Eustis House, the organization offered special recognition to former Boston Mayor Raymond L. Flynn, making note of his decision in 1989 to give it eminent domain powers. That granting enabled the group to control vacant lots and abandoned buildings and re-develop them into affordable housing and other uses through a community land trust.

Over the years, DSNI and partners have created 233 housing units, three community gardens, two urban farms, and a playground, among other achievements.

Dorchester activist Lew Finfer, who was on hand for the anniversary event, noted that “when the Boston Redevelopment Authority had to vote on giving eminent domain power to DSNI … some board members balked at taking it.” Mayor Flynn doubled down on the board members, most of whom he had appointed, and reminded them that this was going to get done. And it did.”

Finfer added: “It’s a tribute to Mayor Ray Flynn and his administration that they took this risk. … Most elected officials are very reluctant to share any of their power. But power does not have to be a zero-sum game of ‘if you win, I lose’. It can expand to others. Both the Flynn Administration and DSNI became more powerful through their relationship.”

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