Presenting Dot’s Little Miss and Young Miss for 2024

The Little Miss and Young Miss Dorchester contests were held last Saturday on May 25 at the Saint John Paul II Academy’s Columbia Road campus, with participants speaking and answering questions from long-time coordinator Annissa Essaibi George.

The annual contest looks to build confidence, public speaking, and civic engagement in Dorchester girls in two age groups, 7-9 and 10-12. It has been a part of the Dorchester Day Parade festivities for decades and winners typically appear at various events in the neighborhood throughout the year.

This year, Little Miss Dorchester is Nicole Adkins. Young Miss Dorchester is Isabella Robbins.

In the accompanying photo, last year’s winners, Roisin Dillon, second left, and Ryleigh Mahoney, far right, are shown transferring their crowns to the new Misses. Atkins and Robbins and all the other Saturday contestants have been invited to participate in the Dorchester Day Parade on June 2. Courtesy photos

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