A TOAST TO 40 YEARS: Saluting the ‘lifeblood’ of Boston

Reporter co-publishers Bill Forry and Linda Dorcena Forry with co-founder Ed Forry, Mayor Michelle Wu, and Senator Ed Markey at the Dorchester Brewing Company on Sept. 14. Mike Mejia/Mayor’s Office photo. At left, Reporter alumni and friends celebrate the milestone.
Photo by Flavio D Photography

More than 250 people celebrated the 40th anniversary of The Reporter at Dorchester Brewing Company on Thurs., Sept. 14. US Sen. Ed Markey and Mayor Wu were among those on hand to offer congratulations to the news organization, which Wu called “the lifeblood” of Boston and praised for providing a pipeline of talented journalists covering the neighborhoods of Boston. “We would not be the city we are today if you had not built that infrastructure into the fabric of Dorchester and into Boston,” Wu said in saluting Reporter co-founder Ed Forry.


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Reporter staff, alumni, and family members representing four decades of community journalism. Photos by Flavio D Photography

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Bill Forry, Linda Dorcena Forry, and Charley Murphy of Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center.

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Linda Dorcena Forry, Marie St. Fleur, Frederica Williams, and Charlotte Golar-Richie.

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George Deveney, Sr., Ryann Denham, Tim Howard, and Margarita Polanco.

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Debbie Mahase, Bill Forry, Linda Dorcena Forry, Denise and Bill Richard, Mark Culliton of Uncornered.

Judy Shea and Lew Finfer.

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Rachel Rodrigues, Chaplain Clementina Chery, Bill Forry.

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Bob Scannell, Mary Kinsella, and Colette Phillips.

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Rep. Brandy Fluker Oakley, Harry Brett and Denise Doherty.

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Kevin Deabler, Matt Malloy, and Bill Richard.

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Judge Jim Dolan and Meredith Letham.

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Sandra Cotterell and Bill Forry.

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Candace Lambert

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