December 20, 2023

Reggie and Vicma Desir with Santa Claus during the Codman Square holiday party.
The Codman Square Holiday event took place on Dec. 3 in conjunction with the Enchanted Trolley tour stop there. Despite inclement weather, more than 150 people showed up and 150 toys were given away. The Codman Square Neighborhood Council and the BOLD Teens helped to give away toys and several other partners pitched in to make the afternoon festive. Photos courtesy of the Mayor’s Office
Jeffery Johnson, Jr., with Santa and Mrs. Claus in Codman Square.
Mayor Wu with friends attending the Codman Square holiday party and tree lighting.
Jeffery Johnson, Sr., Catalina Urtubey Otalora, Cynthia Loesch-Johnson, and Mayor Wu enjoyed the tree lighting and holiday party in Codman Square.