July 21, 2023

As delegates attending the NAACP National Convention (July 28 – August 1 at the Boston Convention Exhibition Center) begin to arrive in Boston this weekend, organizers are launching a series of local event with a "Day of Action and Services" at locations across the neighborhoods on Sat., July 22— including several in Dorchester and Mattapan:
Neponset River Greenway— 9 a.m.
• Volunteers from the Neponset River Greenway Council & Neponset River Watershed Assoc. invite the public to join them in a clean-up and bike ride starting at 9 a.m. at the Harvest River Bridge at Ryan Playground, 350 River St., Mattapan. The event is set to run from 9-11:30a.m.
"Attendees will get to hear about the history of this amazing trail, clean it up and hear why it's so important to the local community before the cleanup. After the cleanup, we will offer attendees a opportunity for a short bike ride of more of the trail."
Mass Audubon's Boston Nature Center—10 a.m.
The Mass Audubon's Boston Nature Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, at 500 Walk Hill St., Mattapan will host a volunteer event from 10a.m.-1p.m.
Service opportunities include trail maintenance, nature nook clean-up and landscaping around the Boston Nature Center.
Community Stakeholders on Itasca Street, Mattapan-9 a.m,
A combined clean-up effort along with Community Engagement that will allow neighbors to come out and greet those that live in the same community. Volunteers from the Community Stakeholders committee will be on hand to assist and provide supplies for this effort. Time: 9a.m.-12p.m., 22 Itasca St in Mattapan.
Four Corners Main Streets beautification project—9 a.m.
Four Corners Main Streets welcomes supporters to assist from 9a.m.-12p.m. at 337 Washington St, Dorchester, MA. Main streets area
Preparing and creating flower beds along the Four Corners corridor. Chopping lumber, laying mulch, watering flowers.
Uphams Corner Main cleanup, 12-3 p.m.
Uphams Corner Main Street leads a clean-up of sidewalks and flower plantings on Columbia Road. Meet at 545 Columbia Rd., Dorchester— right next to Strand Threater. Rain date: July 29.
For more locations, and to register, go here. Or visit NAACPBOSTON.com