Dorchester Baseball, UMass Boston team up for off-season clinic sessions

UMass’s Ethan Errera helping a Dorchester player with his swing path.

UMass Boston’s baseball team and Dorchester Baseball forged a unique partnership this winter, beginning last month – skill clinics every Sunday involving Dorchester kids and UMass players – and early indications are that the initiative has been positive for both groups.

“This is our first year working with Dorchester Baseball and it has been great,” said UMass coach Brendan Eygabroat. “We were thrilled to hear that they reached out. The goal is to teach the kids the fundamentals and get them a ton of quality reps to build confidence. We have about 20-plus players and coaches at each session so there is a fantastic ratio for coach to player.”

Dorchester Baseball players are excited to be part of the new winter clinics with UMass Boston baseball players and coaches.

Dorchester Baseball president Charlie Maneikis said the experience so far has been outstanding and the kids are really enjoying the opportunity to get back in the baseball mindset. He also thanked Eygabroat for making the idea a reality.

“You can tell from the kids’ concentration, effort, and smiles that this skills clinic is something special in their baseball experience,” he said. “Forty young adult men (20 at each 90-minute session) dressed in their uniforms, focused on our kids at six skills stations results in the kids learning and improving with enthusiasm. The whole atmosphere is just perfect. Coach Brendan is such an outstanding example of positive leadership, not only for his players, but also for the kids, players and coaches who are able to observe.” 

The clinics are held in the Clark Athletic Center on the UMass Boston campus, with players divided into two time slots based on age – with ages 7-9 separated from ages 10-12. Each group gets a 90-minute session to train with UMass players and coaches. After a warmup, players break into groups that focus on hitting fundamentals, catching/throwing progressions, or defensive skill work for the infield and outfield. The older group is introduced to drills for pitching and catching.

“I think Dorchester Baseball really does a great job and I am very happy to work be working with them,” said Eygabroat. “We had a handful of their players at our youth summer clinics, and I was impressed with their skills. I am hoping to continue to grow the relationship.”

UMass baseball Coach Brendan Eygabroat and Justin Gouveia give a hitting demonstration for Dorchester Baseball players during a recent Sunday baseball clinic.
Photos courtesy Dorchester Baseball

Those looking ahead to the Dorchester Baseball season can take advantage of sign-ups now, as registration for the coming season is open. Players are eligible if they live or go to school in the following zip codes: 02121, 02122, 02124, and 02125. For information on sign-ups, go to

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